semester project / 2022 Q2
Metal Workshop - University of Applied Arts Vienna
(Ancient Greek: ᾰ̓πορῐ́ᾱ, romanized: aporíā,
'literally: "lacking passage", also: "impasse", "difficulty in passage", "puzzlement"')
Whenever two entities interact with eachother they rely on some shared rules of understanding.
They count on the existence of certain rules and logics that are mutually known and accepted, such as language, meaning, metaphors. If such common ground is not available or not mutually agreed upon, an encounter can quickly escalate into disparities. We feel tool less and our frustration, turned to anger untethers the motive.
However we rarely realize that most of our used rules and common grounds for understanding eachother are inherently and undoubtedly fabricated, therefore our sensations of incapability are only an illusion. We always do have complete agency over our set rules and logics.
Kairos and Aporia are two halfs of an installation that i made for the exhibition titled,
From There Through Here which was organized by the students of the
Art & Science Department of die Angewandte.
Both my works connect with the idea of time as a flexible matter.
My installations are constrcution sites of concepts of time.
They offer opportunities and ways to rethink and re-sense what time might mean to one.
I transformed a well-known game into a stage of Aporia. Inspired by the Japanese concept of Ma, which is based on the perception of negative space or gap without necessarily requiring a physical compositional element.
The concept of Ma uses the unknown, and takes it into consideration.
The original game of 4-in-a-row leaves a very limited flexibility regarding what and how do you deal with the empty slots in between the two surfaces. I altered the structure of the game, by replacing the partition that was holding the two surfaces together with sand. This sand fills the negative space where visions and ideas regarding a winning strategy of making 3-4 in a row would be executed. At first the sand and the separated surfaces seem very helpful and flexible, but with time and investment, one realizes its limits very quickly. Suddenly the former idea of the game changes. The competition becomes a shared goal where one helps the other in realizing their visions.
I want to raise awareness of the temporality of ideas.
The paradox originality of the genius that is born and nurtured within systems.
However, when a system is less controlling in terms of having faith in the unknown, it nurtures processes differently.
It forces cooperation and a very different way of sensing time spent in it. You focus more on the tiny particles (person, movement, idea) that bulid up processes then on the outcome.
I deeply believe in untainted personal and unique approaches and am looking for ways of accomodating them.